Monday, March 24, 2014

LentenPic : Remnants of an Old Trolley Line That Ran From Down Town Denver, to City Park on 21st street.

A. Remnants of an old trolley line running down 21st street from Downtown Denver to City Park 

B. Just under the surface.

2014-April-06 Update:  The potholes revealing these old tracks have been filled in and the tracks covered once again. I guess my stumbling upon this interesting bit of local history was just …good timing. Im grateful for the chance to document and attempt to make art with them.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lent 2014. Practicing Presence Through Thoughtfulness and Creativity,

     I've decided not to give anything up for lent this year. Instead I am going to nurture my "artistic" side by committing to taking at least one picture per day for the whole of lent. 

This should be an interesting project. I want to focus on mindfulness that I encounter through the process of creativity. To either create frame through which to view a moment or scene, or to look for moments that I would usually ignore or allow to pass. And if I fail, I can always go with yet anoooother picture of my kid or (please g-d no...) a selfie! 

So that is the goal. Not a sacrifice, but instead a period of mindfulness, of resetting the lens through which I view myself in relationship to the world around me, and thus with my God as well.